the flat area @ my crown is a deeper dent & i have a ridge behind both ears? No results yet, in the middle of changing docs because the last one knew nothing helpful. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. A sunken fontanel, when accompanied by other symptoms, can be a sign of dehydration or malnutrition. While an asymmetrical head shape is a common cause of concern for new parents, a babys head typically rounds out after birth. Those are the chemicals that have been reported being dropped in the form of chemtrails. Delaying treatment of dehydration or malnutrition can have severe and lasting consequences for the infants development. English is not my first lenguaje, so I hope I can write properly the things I want to say. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. It's weird. We report her management, neuro-imaging and outcome on follow-up. I have had a history of passing out and having seizures but the doctors never figured out for sure what caused it and it hasn't happened for a few years. Otherwise it's just some small bulge which also could be felt with hands, none of the specialists know what's wrong and I've been seeing chiropractors for 2 years now for my sudden weird symptoms - dizzy, blurred vision, head feels heavy n filled with water feeling, shoulder and neck pain + discomfort of my stomach and nausea. Anyone concerned about a sunken fontanel should speak to a doctor as soon as possible. 35 year old male in good health. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. Read more about thesymptoms of Paget's disease of bone. The site is secure. This is known as acute IH. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. More severe cases will require immediate medical attention to avoid complications. I've had the same thing at the very top of my headsoft spot and while painful it's sore. do u still have it? Where can I go/what type of a medical professional should I see.generally in good health, active, etc. If an indentation develops after trauma to the head, immediate evaluation is necessary. Some head injuries, including skull fractures, can be life threatening. In some instances, a doctor may make a diagnosis after performing a physical exam and medical history review. If you do not have any symptoms, your doctor may suggest keeping an eye on your condition and delaying treatment until any problems occur. It scares me, especially since my husband had brain surgery less than 2 years ago- (symptoms completely different of course) I am 35 years old, the only time I remember hitting my head really hard is when I was in elementary school and I fell and hit my head on a tile floor. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Do you get sleepy often? 8600 Rockville Pike I'm a 28 year old healthy female. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Sometimes it can be muscle tension or spasms. I take thyroid meds and suboxone daily. I didnt realize how long this post has been. I feel like pressure get stuck in my head and face a lot too. My fiance has had a soft spot on the upper left side od her head since birth. Careers. We present a case of a congenital depression of a neonate's skull not relating to obstetric trauma. Take care. The "black out" feeling could be related to postural hypotension related to reduced fluid intake. My ENT said that it really isn't that serious at all. I was training a client and felt an itch on my head not thinking of it, then felt a long narrow indent as if the cracks in my skull were divided and swollen. A GP may suspect you have intracranial hypertension (IH) if you have symptoms of increased pressure on your brain, such as vision problems and headaches. my right ear seems to ring sometimes too. Sometimes it will feel like it does when you've had a ponytail in your hair for a long time? And they never felt nothing, no migrain, nothing. Why SJF Cannot be implemented practically? So, you've been diagnosed with CVG and nothing else? Did you research that cutis verticis that I mentioned above. Sometimes, a baby is dehydrated but does not have a sunken fontanel. Dents in the skull are abnormal and can indicate a serious medical condition. The anterior fontanel should curve slightly inwards but remain relatively firm. Ill add some d and calcium and see if it helps, otherwise Ill go to the doc. They all need to be functioning well in order to support the spine hence the brain could receive good signals to inform our body of what to do. In Paget's disease of bone, something goes wrong with the osteoclast cells and they start to absorb boneat a much faster rate than usual. Has anybody else experienced this? Discover some of the causes of dizziness and how to treat it. All rights reserved. Could possibly be tension as well. 1 One of the major causes is dehydration. You may have several different tests to diagnose IH, such as: Idiopathic IH may be diagnosed if you have increased pressure on your brain and no other cause can be found. We could post descriptions and what we have tried to help the situation. Dermo called it cvg. I am 60 am at that age. I have fibromyalgia as well as a head invention and had blood work to check for heavy metal toxicity and and it came back normal. I'm definitely interested in joining. Epub 2018 May 31. Results demonstrate significant adult skull shape changes with increasing age. So, maybe, as we get older and or lose weight, the dents become more apparent. WebA brain abscess is a pus-filled swelling in the brain. Most of the time, it goes away within 1 to 2 weeks, Dehydration is more common during pregnancy than at other times. Did you have these symptoms, still_here? Lynn. There are thousands of lymph node located around the body that help screen out germs in the serum before it returns to the circulation. I will let you know what I find out as I get testing done. I do wear my sunglasses on top of my head daily. It's similiar to when a child is young/born and they have 'soft' spot(s) on the head. It does not store any personal data. Such surgery is usually lengthy lasting many hours, may be disfiguring (e.g., loss of eye or ear, facial All I can advise you to do is eat healthy ,don't take stress and pray to ALMIGHTY God and everything will be fine ok take care all the best. My left side feels bulge like some nerves were bulging out when the headache presents. FOIA Yes, starting at birth delivery, forceps can dent the skull, sometimes leaving permanent dents. 1.Developmental calcium,vitamin D deficiencies during bone formation in childhood. I have my indentation in the same place as yours. I have chronic migraine headaches sometimes for several days and degenerative joint and disc disease so life is pretty rough. Mine sounds much the same. Read more about how Paget's disease of bone is diagnosed. What Causes Dents in the Skull? I too have a dent on my forehead, it appeared approx 8 months ago, it's oval shaped and approx 15mm wide. Symptoms of chronic intracranial hypertension (IH) can include: Chronic IH can Intracranial hypertension (IH) is a build-up of pressure around the brain. I wonder if the antibiotics affected my gut and caused a leaky gut. I too have the same thing any update? If the cause of the sunken fontanel is malnutrition, treatment will vary depending on the underlying cause. Yikes! Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. I have noticed it two time periods the first I thought my boyfriend had just elbowed me in his sleep. my headache triggers only when i lay down at the right side of m Im having dizziness or vertigo?im not sure if its dizziness or vertigo.Everytime i move my arms especially brushing my teeth and washing Hi all. Malnutrition can result from a calorie deficit or an underlying condition, such as malabsorption syndrome. for the past few weeks i've had tingling and itching along both ears. Im a 41 year old female and have never had any head trauma, dont suffer from headaches and my two nearly developed parallel dents in the top of my head dont hurt. Health Professional: Melissa. It was gone the next morning. I, like others, noticed that it was close to where I wore my glasses on the top of my head. I'm guessing you meant things such as herbal tinctures? Page last reviewed: 21 October 2019 A literature review is given in brief. Jefferson Chen answered. I thought a drop in estrogen might have been responsible (I'm perimenopause) but I'm not experiencing any otherestrogen deficiency symptoms,so if anything it's the opposite. I only first noticed them when she was 5 or 6 years old. I noticed that the dent got bigger and deeper and more tender too. I have a suggestion, perhaps we could form a group, discovery group as it were, (since now I know I am not the only one,) and we could start formulating our own research since we are the ones who know best and maybe we could start to throw all our perceived possibilities into a common pot and perhaps discover something or interest a researcher into looking into it. WebPaget's disease of bone can affect 1 bone or several bones. First noticed by regular hairdresser. Fontanels occur naturally in infants. I remember when I was first diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Very odd. and transmitted securely. skull indentation in adults nhstaurus 605 replacement parts Non ci sono articoli nel carrello. I am being sent to the neurologist and dermatologist after blood work came back fine. I was terrified, I thought my head was opening haha! Blood work normal. Its ok folks its the next evolutionary step for the human . Congenital depressions of the skull are rare in Western countries. It is vital to know the signs of illness and dehydration in a baby and seek medical help, regardless of the appearance of their fontanel. Hi Lynn. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. How can we avoid the occurrence of weld porosity? I have am indention on the top of my head. I received areflexology massage last year and I remember the massage therapist push hard on my forehead. Some people may need to take supplements. I dont feel up to playing with my grand children and my daughter resents it. I don't usually get headaches,but I do have a high stress,fill my calendar with multiple tasks type of life style. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. But other than that Im like worried its caused by something else. I know this is an old post, but my mom sounds like she has something similar. 2 Can your skull change shape as you get older? I have had these dents for several years now and originally noticed them because of deep dark reddish purple lines in my scalp and upon feeling these discolorations found the dents. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. In fact, a pseudoscience popular in the 1800s called phrenology claimed to be able to diagnose illnesses from those your headaches are consistent with a spasm in the temporalis muscles. Skull indentation causes. thankyou for giving the metaphysical explanationI agreeI recently noticed the posterior fontanelle..and in some folks its more openI believe it means we are more open to higher Self and subtle energies, and we need to protect it more to avoid stress and headaches..grow hair long and coil it on top of head where opening is.look at the yogisthey where turbans for a reasondo it at home instead..this opening is our connection to God and our Godself..treasure it..cover it and slow down, meditate and relax. Bookshelf Posted by Ryman @ryman, Nov 6, 2019. Dehydration occurs when an infant does not have sufficient fluid in their body to maintain normal functioning. In the meantime, ask for blood tests check in abnormal levels of aluminum and barium. Has anyone had any diagnosis or found out what it is ? The human skull is made up from several bones that are connected by tough fibrous tissue called sutures. Try not to worry I have seen on here where people have had this stuff like this for 20 years so try not to worry. I have a small bumb behind my ear (on the skull) . By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. Have just noticed the same dent soft spot and worried, after reading posts I realized that I where my hair up every day with a clip in the exact spot an some times often I fall asleep with it still in?? I don't like nor trust the doctors where I'm currently living they all seem to have graduated at the bottom of their classes no lie. My ENT said it's cutis verticis gyrata. This treatment will continue until fluid levels reach an acceptable level. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I changed that idea when it was still there the next day. Wow, this forum is so interesting to me! What did the MRIs show? But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Even barely rubbing it will make my stomach turn & I'll feel nauseous for a good many minutes. So, if you experience a change in the skull shape, immediately see a doctor. The abnormal fontanel. Please?! Dr.s have told me that they don't exist even though I have shown them pictures of them. Flat spots may also improve, especially with position changes and extra tummy time during play. Read more abouthow Paget's disease of bone is treated. Find out how beta-blocker eye drops show promising results for acute migraine relief. 2019 Feb 8;84:e92-e111. 2018 Jul;103(4):F316. I have had a soft spot on the back of my head from birth I am 55 now and still have it and never had any problems. Please let me know thanks. A dent in the skin of the forehead may be caused by acne or by regularly manipulating your face into expressions that cause an indentation, known as a worry line, between your eyebrows. Congenital depression of the skull in a neonate. However, the longer an infant goes without treatment, the greater their chances of lasting damage become. Complete blood count (CBC). No pain, but I am beginning to get headaches feel light headed and am terrified. Page last reviewed: 31 October 2019 The only other thing I do, is clench my jaw during my sleep and I'm wondering if there is a connection as I've clenched so hard in the past that I've cracked a root filling! Commonly affected areas include the pelvis, spine and skull. I have been having people feel it all day. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Im having exactly what you areexperiencing have you had any tests done ? Would you like email updates of new search results? Had X-ray came back normal now off for mri. What did you find out? I once watched a discussion on c-span about the long term effect of the chem trails from airplanes and every scientist on the committee couldn't give one straight answer but everyday we are breathing and drinking the chemicals in. Malnutrition can be challenging to treat, depending on the cause. I was really hoping for a suggestion as to why I may have developed an indentation in the top of my head. How to bounce back fast from an ankle sprain - and stay pain free. I promise I'll keep anyonewho's interested updated- I'll report back as and when. Not continuous but often. I'm really scared about this but actually feel a little better knowing that I'm not the only one. 2010 Mar;25(3):387-9. doi: 10.1177/0883073809338520. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Oh ya and maybe some good traditional masseur could help? Paget's disease of bonedisrupts the normal cycle of bone renewal, causingbonesto become weakened and possibly deformed. ways to boost your brainpower. Reading this forum has put my mind at ease & I can now avoid a lot of expensive tests. Is it normal to have an asymmetrical skull? It can be a medical condition, genetic, or an injury from an accident. I have never gotten this checked out. How is it exactly 10 years on since your post. Patellofemoral pain and what to do about it. The temporalis muscles are in front and in back of the ears. Intracranial hypertension (IH) is a build-up of pressure around the brain. I also wear glasses on my head. Symptoms of bone tumors include bone pain, swelling, bone deformity, and/or a painless mass. A doctor will also check for signs of dehydration or malnutrition. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. Adult Head/Skull and soft spot similiar to a newborn child. Ensuring you get enoughcalcium andvitamin D can also help. she is geting a cat scan, but what happened with you. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. Did you have the ct scan? He told me that he has indentations too. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2016-215437. I also have a dent, I didn't notice until I saw that there is also a bald patch. This can occur due to a family history of the condition or an underlying medical condition, Dark-colored urine and thirst are classic signs that someone is dehydrated. 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